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                您当前的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 辊筒


                苏州杰威尔精密机械有限公司在辊筒和表面精制领域积累了多年的经验,与你共享。我们的经验№涉及塑料片材薄膜加工、无纺布、皮革加工、造纸、印刷业和钢铁制造 ( 薄型片材 ) 等领域。在这里,无论是ζ 辊筒的几何尺寸,圆周度,表面光洁度,还是使用寿Ψ命,我们都力求达到最★高的性能指标。




                苏州杰威尔精密机械有限公司在辊筒和表面精制领域积累了多年的经验,与你共享。我们的经验涉及塑料片材薄膜加工、无纺布、皮革加工、造纸、印刷业和钢铁制造 ( 薄型片材 ) 等领域。在这里,无论是辊筒的√几何尺寸,圆周度,表面光洁度,还是使用寿命,我们都力求达到最高的性能指标。

                Suzhou Jwell Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd would like to share our many yearsrich experience in the roller and surface refine area.Our products are widely used in plastic sheet and film processing, non-woven fabric, leather processing, paper making, printing,thin steel manufacturingetc. We are trying our best to reach the highest performance index for the geometry dimensions,roundness,roughness of the surface and the using life.

                ● 辊筒最大直径和长度 : Φ1600×14000mm

                ● 工件最大▓重量 :15000kg

                ● 圆柱度、同心度精】度:≤ 0.01mm

                ● 表面粗度:0.0050.01μm

                Max. diameter and length of the roller:Φ1600×14000mm

                Max. weight of the roller15000kg

                Roundness and coaxiality:≤ 0.01mm

                Roughness of the surfaceRa 0.0050.01μm


                辊筒特别是镜面辊对于塑料包装行业的←片板膜设备来说是一个不可缺少的重要部件。其规律是:辊筒表面越光,越精 密,生ζ产出的制品质量就越好。因而,我们努力达到最小的公差精度和最好的辊面效果。

                杰威尔公司用于辊筒制造的多种大型、先进的装备有:车削、 焊接、研磨、抛光、平衡、热处理、表面处理、镀硬铬等,其中包含了一些』目前行业中最为先进的加工设备如:可处理 14

                长工件※的热处理车间、专业的电︾镀硬铬车间、可加工 14 米的


                Roller, especially the mirror roller, is an important integral part of sheet and plate equipments. The rule is that the more smooth and precise of the roller surface, the better products can be produced. We are trying best to gain the smallest tolerance and best roller surface .

                Jwell have various kind s of large and advanced equipment : turneryweldinggrindingpolishingbalancing heat treatmentsurface treatmenthard chromed etc, include the most advantage manufacture equipment : the heat treatment workshop for 14 meters working piece, profession electroplate workshop, the boring and grinding machine can machine the 14 meters working piece etc.






                为了适合与各种不同的制品对辊筒的要求,我们采用对应的辊筒内部流道设计和不同的制造材料如 Q345S45C42CrMo

                60CrMnMoSUS304 及特殊的进口钢料用于辊身的制造,满足技术要〓求的同时获得最高的性价比。


                The best suitable solutions for you made by our profession design and rich experience manufacture team

                To meet different requirements, we have the 16Mn, 20#, 45, 42CrMo, 60CrMnMo,SUS304 and some imported special steels as the options for making the roller. By this way, we can meet the technical requirements and we can have the best cost performance.

                We can provide the repair and retread service for the used roller which worked in your production line .

