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                电磁□ 加热辊筒




                Electromagnetic Heating Roller


                With the wide application of heating roller in various industries, electromagnetic heating roller is replacing heat conduction oil heating roller, so far electromagnetic heating roller is successfully used in laser anti- counterfeiting printing, die stamping, automotive laminated glass composite, composite film production, medical tape, pharmaceutical packaging, non-woven fabric production, aluminum-plastic panel agglutination, synthetic fiber, rubber and plastic calendaring and other industries.


                ● 节能——比导热油辊或蒸汽辊节能约 60%

                ● 温控精度高——温控精度达 ±0.5℃ ;

                ● 升温速度快——从室温到 200℃只需 25min

                ● 工作温度高——辊面工作温度可实现 400℃以上,满足高温生产要求;

                ● 环保——全电气化◥控制,无油渍污染,生产环境清↑洁卫生。

                Roller Features:

                energy saving - 60% energy saving comparing with the heat conduction oil roller or steam roller;

                high precision temperature control, temperature precision reaches ±0.5;

                faster heating up- takes only 25 min from room temperature to 200 ;

                high working temperature, roller surface temperature can reach above 400 for operation , satisfies the requirement of

                     high temperature production;

                environmental protection - all electric control, no oil pollution, clean production environment.

