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                您当前的⌒ 位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 辊筒


                薄壁高效辊▼筒的辊面外壳厚度仅为标准辊筒外壳厚度的50%-70%;内部减少螺棱支撑点的面积█以增大冷却◣水的接触面积 和热转换效ㄨ率。为抵消辊面较薄的强度减弱,采用了整体圆弧□ 形流道以增加承压强度。相同的工况环〇境,使用薄壁高效辊】筒的片材设备产量增加了 20%-50%。



                Thin-Wall Efficient Roller

                薄壁高◤效辊筒的辊面外壳厚度仅为标准辊筒外壳厚度的50%-70%;内部减少螺棱支撑点的面积以增〗大冷却水的接触面积 和热转换效率】。为抵消辊面较薄的强度减弱,采用了整体圆弧形流道以增加承压强度。相同的工况环境,使用薄壁高效辊筒的片材设备产量增加了 20%-50%

                For the thin-walled high-efficiency roller, the surface shell thickness is only 50%-70% of the standard roller; by reducing the area of the strikes, and enlarging the contact area with cooling water, the thermal conversion efficiency is increased. And to offset the roller rigidity, the   overall circular runner design is adopted to increase the intensity of the roller. Under the same working condition, the thin wall high efficiency roller boosted plate and sheet line output by 20% to 50%.


                Roller surface treatment


                ●外表ξ面深层次淬火,硬度达到 HRC50~55

                ●表面电解镀硬铬,硬度达到 HRC58~65

                Quenching with Subsequent tempering, ensures the density of the structure

                Outer surface deeply quenched, the hardness can be reached HRC 50~55

                Surface electrolyze hard chromed, the hardness can be reached HRC 58~65



                Surface treatment



                Mirror roller, super mirror roller grinding and polishing processing.

                Different kinds of roller surface treatments are available, such as leather veins, matt, mist, frosting, net veins and etc.

