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                您当前的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 辊筒


                JWELL 制造的流延膜↙用辊筒采用严格的欧洲专∑业制造标准,经过多道焊接々和热处理工艺,保证辊筒的整体结∞构坚固可靠。



                Casting Film Roller




                JWELL 制造的流延膜用辊筒采用严格↓的欧洲专业制造标准,经过多道焊接和热处理工艺,保证辊筒的整体结构坚固可√靠。




                JWELL manufactured casting film roller strictly according to European professional manufacturing standards. Several steps of welding and heat treatment process are applied to give ensurance to the overall rigidity and reliability of roller structure.

                In order to ensure its efficient heat exchange, casting roller flow channel are designed with the special spiral, and through accurate calculation of the coolant flow, the roller surface temperature deviation are reduced to the least possible. It improves the temperature uniformity of the product.

                The most important is the precision of dynamic balancing of roller.Specialized large dynamic balance calibration equipment and a variety of balance detection scheme, ensures smooth operation at high rotation speed.




                High speed of casting film production line means very high rotation speed of the roller, and this requires precise dynamic balancing, high and balanced heat exchange efficiency;




                ● 最ζ 大的辊筒直径:Φ1600mm

                ● 辊筒的圆柱度、同轴度均达到≤0.005mm

                ● 辊筒表面镀硬铬,镀层厚度 50~80um

                ● 辊筒表面温度误差 ±0.5~1℃ ;

                ● 表面抛光镜面、超精镜面、毛面 / 雾面、防粘辊「面处理;

                ● 运行速度:最大 800 / 分;

                ● 整体变形:全负荷时<0.05 毫米

                ● 运行时动平衡 最佳 Q=3.2





                Roller Features:

                Roller diameter: max. 1600 mm

                Roller cylindricity, concentricity both 0.005mm;

                Roller surface hard chromium plated, coating thickness is 50

                     ~ 80 um

                Roller surface temperature deviation ±0.5~1;

                roller surface treatment: mirror polished, super finishing

                     mirror, matt, mist and anti adhesive surface;

                Speed: max. 800 m/min;

                Overall deformation: < 0.05 mm at full load

                Best dynamic balance: Q = 3.2

