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                您当前的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 辊筒

                双向拉伸膜生产线用辊⌒ 筒

                苏州杰威尔精密机械有限公司 不但致力于■塑料板材、片材用压延辊筒的设计制▼造,同时也为塑料薄膜领域提供高品质的辊筒。引进国外先进的制辊技〖术,我们为『流延膜设备、拉伸膜♂设备提供高品质辊筒。如激冷辊、拉伸辊、预热辊、牵引辊、电晕辊、橡胶辊、TEFLON 辊等。



                Roller for Bi-Oriented Stretch Film Production Line

                苏州杰威尔精密机械有限公司 不但致力于塑料板材、片材用压↓延辊筒的设计制造,同时也为塑料薄膜领域提供高品质的辊筒。引进国外先进ㄨ的制辊技术,我们为流延膜设备、拉伸膜设备提供高品质辊筒。如激冷辊、拉伸辊、预热辊、牵引辊、电晕辊、橡胶辊、

                TEFLON 辊等。




                Due to the higher request for the tension / coated angle/ high line speed/ temperature precision control of the stretching film roller , we can provide the following certificates for each roller:



                薄膜制品成型对辊面温度误@ 差的要求很严格。带内螺旋循环流道的辊筒是一项高技术含■量的产品,具有极强的热交▽换能力和辊筒作业表面容许的小温度波动。

                Suzhou Jwell Precision Machinery Co., Ltd , not only focuses on the design and manufacture of the roller of plastic plate sheet , meets the requirement of the clients, but also supplies the high quality roller for the plastic film business area.

                We import the foreign advanced roller manufacture technology , supply the high quality roller for the machine of casting film and stretch film. Such as chill roller , stretch roller, preheat roller , pull roller, corona roller, rubber roller, TEFLON roller etc.

                The roller rotate in higher speed when produce the plastic filmso that high precision of the roller dynamic balance is important particularly. Our specified large dynamic balance testing equipment and various balance process can ensure these request effectively.

                According to the strict molding request of final film product to the temperature error on the roller surface,  The roller which has the spiral inner flow channel is a high-tech product, it has a very good heat exchange ability and this roller can reach the minimum temperature fluctuation which is allowed in production.






                Our manufacturing capacity of roller:

                ● 辊筒大加工长度 Max. machining length :14000mm

                ● 辊□ 筒大加工直径 Max. machining diameter: Φ1600 mm



                Manufacturing precision of roller

                ● 同轴度 Concentricity:≤ 0.01mm

                ● 圆柱度 Cylindricity:≤ 0.01mm

                ● 表面粗度 Surface roughnessRa0.005 0.01μm



                Roller surface treatment

                ● 电镀硬铬涂●层 Electroplate hard chrome coating

                ● 橡胶包覆涂层 Rubber overlay coating

                ● 不锈钢包▲覆层 Stainless steel overlay coating

                ● 特氟仑等特种涂层 Special coating like TEFLON etc.



                ● 轴材质● Shafts material

                ● 外套材质● Outer jacket material

                ● 尺寸和几何报告● Dimension and geometrical report

                ● 光洁度(测量辊面◥两边和中间)● Roughness (measures on the sides and in the center of the table)

                ● 镀铬硬度● Chrome coating hardness    

                ● 镀铬厚度(测量辊面两端和中间)● Coating thickness (measures on the sides and in the center of the table)

                ● 高达到 G2.5 级的平衡报告▓(机器打印)● Final balancing reach to G2.5 (machine Printed)

                ● 重量,惯性,在极值速度,自重情况下的挠度● Weight, inertia , déflection under own weight, critical speed

                ● 防止渗漏的静态压力试≡验● Static pressure test to prevent the leakage

                ● 辊面温度差异● Temperature difference on the table surface

                ● 冷却水流量● Cooling water flow

                ● 进出水压差异● Inlet/Outlet water pressure difference













