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                您当前的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 辊筒


                产品广泛√应用于 BOPP、BOPET、BOPA、BOPS、BOPI 等各种双向拉伸生产线和纵向拉伸生产线◥的母片铸片成型,采用特殊的内部循环流道设计,提高热转换效率及温控精度,更换技术升级≡后的辊筒 , 可提高 20%-30% 的铸片效率。



                Chill Roller,Casting Roller




                产品广泛应用于 BOPPBOPETBOPABOPSBOPI 等各种双向拉伸生产线和纵向拉伸生产线的母片铸片成型,采用特殊的内部循环流道设计,提高热转换效率及温控精度,更换技术升级后的辊筒 , 可提高 20%-30% 的铸片效率。

                This product is widely used in master casting  forming of BOPP, BOPET, BOPA, BOPS, BOPI biaxial oriented stretching line and longitudinal stretching line. Special inner circulation channle  is designed to improve the heat conversion efficiency and temperature control accuracy. After replacing with this kind of technically updated roller, the casting effeciency will rise by 20%-30%



                Casting system is a step of of vital importance in film stretching line. The finish film quality after stretching will be finally based on master precsion of casting system. This casting roller manufactured by Suzhou Jwell Precision Machinery Co.,LTD has already been used a lot in high level stretching line imported from Europe and its performance in practical application obtains u nanimous approval and favorable comment from customers.




                ●最大直径 1600mm


                ●表面温度精度 ±0.5







                Max diameter 1600mm

                Variable diameter alternating spiral flow channel

                Surface temperature precision±0.5

                High efficiency heat exchange technology performance

                High precision dynamic balancing correction

                High quality mirror face processing

                Anti-corrosion treatment of spiral flow channel


